In the modern age of cannabis consumption, many stoners — both novice and expert — are turning to the internet for advice and instruction.
Nowadays, a quick Google search will yield you results on everything from basic how-to articles, to more complex ideas such as choosing the best gas mask bong.
Today, we will be covering a fairly basic concept: how to pack a bowl (the right way).
From everything you need to get started, to sharing our exclusive, tried and true stoner tips, we’ve got you covered.
We hope you enjoy this comprehensive guide on how to pack a bowl, smoke a bowl, and everything in between.
What do You Need to Pack a Bowl?
First things first, let’s talk supplies.
In terms of various methods of cannabis consumption, smoking from a bowl requires very few tools.
1. Herb
The first and most important thing you will need is of course, weed.
This one is pretty obvious, we know.
However, not all herb is created equal — and for beginner stoners, it can be hard to choose the best weed for your needs.
When it comes to choosing the right strain, there are three main types to choose from: sativa, indica and hybrid.
If you’re unfamiliar with these terms, don’t worry.
To keep it simple, sativa strains provide more of a “head-high” and can be better for stoners who want to stay productive or plan on going out.
Indica strains tend to have the opposite effect, producing more of a “body-high”—perfect for a night in or before bed.
Hybrids are simply a cross between two or more strains, often creating a more balanced high.
Most hybrids still are either sativa or indica dominant, so keep that in mind.
2. Grinder
Technically, grinding your weed is optional — however, we highly recommend doing so as it makes for a much higher quality bowl.
Don’t worry if you’ve never used a grinder before, as we’ll cover the how-to in just a bit.
Toker Tip
Why is it important to grind up your herb as opposed to picking it apart by hand?
By using a grinder, you ensure that all weed is evenly and finely ground.
Bowls packed with mechanically ground ganja tend to burn in a more consistent manner and waste less product.
Make sure you buy a grinder like the image above with a third chamber for catching precious cannabis crystals—often referred to as “keef”.
3. The Bowl
We know this one is obvious too, but there are several options to choose from when it comes to the instrument in which you are packing said bowl.
One of the most popular choices is the traditional hand pipe.
A hand pipe can include pieces such as helix pipes, steamrollers, and glass spoons.
Another common instrument is the bong—sometimes called a “water pipe”.
Whichever piece you choose, the same basic bowl-packing principles apply.
4. Lighter
While the majority of people use typical butane lighters, some prefer to forego a lighter for another option such as using a hemp wick—or even an old school match.
5. Odor Diffuser (Optional)
For stoners who want to be a little more discreet, an odor diffuser can really come in handy.
You can easily craft a homemade diffuser—often called a sploof—using a toilet paper tube, a pack of dryer sheets and a rubberband.
First, simply stuff a few dryer sheets into the tube—making sure it’s not packed too tight.
Then place another dryer sheet over one edge of the tube and secure it with the rubberband.
When you take a hit, blow the smoke through the dryer sheet and voila — no one will ever suspect a thing!
How to Pack a Bowl
Now that you have your supplies assembled, it’s time to learn the art of the perfectly packed bowl.
Step 1: Grind Your Herb
For those of you who have never used a mechanical grinder, don’t worry — it’s fairly simple.
First, grab your grinder and a couple nuggets of herb.
Open the top chamber of your grinder, revealing its “teeth”.
Place your herb on top of the “teeth”, pushing down slightly so it’s flush with the side of the grinder.
Grab the top cover and close the grinder (uou may have to press down a little harder than before to get the top on.)
Begin twisting the top of the grinder back and forth, holding the bottom part in your other hand.
Twist until you feel the resistance disappear—this means the herb has been fully ground.
Now, unscrew the top chamber to reveal your herb in the middle compartment.
Toker Tip
Want the smoothest smoking experience possible?
Remove any seeds and/or stems from your herb nuggets before grinding.
It should be finely and evenly ground, with a “fluffy” texture.
Step 2: Grab Your Bowl
If you’re packing a glass spoon or another hand pipe, simply place the pipe on a steady surface.
If you’re packing a bong bowl (or “slide”), it can be helpful to remove the bowl from the bong first, so you don’t risk tipping anything over.
Step 3: Start Packing
Begin by loosely filling the bowl with herb, until there is a little mound in the middle.
Now, using your fingers, a lighter, etc., gently pack down the weed until the surface is flat.
Depending on how fluffy your ganja is, you may have to add some additional weed on top in order to completely fill the bowl.
If you do add more, repeat the same process.
While this may seem simple — and in reality, it is a pretty easy concept — there are a couple tricks to ensuring your bowl smokes properly.
You want to make sure the herb isn’t packed too tightly, as this will block the air from flowing through the piece and you won’t be able to hit it.
If the herb is packed too loosely, or there isn’t enough in the bowl, you may risk sucking it through the piece when you try to take a hit.
It’s also important to evenly pack the bowl, so all hits are the same.
If you feel like adding a little extra flair to your bowl, sprinkle a little bit of the aforementioned keef on top of your freshly packed herb.
You’ll know your bowl is properly packed if after the first couple of hits, the bowl stays lit and you don’t have to light it again. This is referred to as keeping the bowl “rolling”.
How to Smoke a Bowl
Now is the moment you’ve been waiting for: it’s time to smoke!
Just like there is an art to packing a bowl, there’s an art to smoking one as well.
When you’re smoking a bowl, you should:
- Light a corner of the bowl for a second, until the weed catches and it is rolling.
- Keep your finger over the carb hole (also referred to as a shotgun) to gather smoke in the bowl’s chamber
- When it’s time to clear the bowl, remove your finger from the carb hole and pull
Step 1: Hold the Bowl in Your Non-Dominant Hand
If you’re smoking a hand pipe, begin by grabbing your pipe and placing it in whichever hand feels comfortable.
Most hand pipes feature a “carb hole” on one side of the pipe. Make sure whichever hand it ends up in, you can easily access that hole.
Step 2: Collect Smoke in the Chamber
Place the pipe to your lips, finger over the carb.
Grab your lighter (or match, lit hemp wick, etc.) and begin by gently lighting a small area of the bowl.
Try to pull your lighter away right after lighting the herb so as to not inhale any extra butane.
Toker Tip
Many stoners practice a concept called “cornering”, where you light one corner of the bowl at a time.
This allows for more fresh hits and less of the ashy taste.
Inhale slowly as you’re lighting the bowl to allow air to flow through the piece.
Step 3: Clear the Bowl
When you feel as though you’ve taken a big enough hit, clear the pipe by releasing your finger off of the carb hole.
Clearing the pipe is important, as it allows you to enjoy a full hit and preps your pipe for the next one.
If you’re smoking from a bong, after the bong bowl is packed, simply place the slide back into your bong and go from there.
The same basic principles apply, although most bongs do not have a carb.
Start by lighting a corner of the bowl, inhaling through the mouthpiece of the bong.
To clear a bong without a carb, simply slide the bowl out completely and inhale the remaining smoke in the tube or mouthpiece.
As ash starts to form in your bowl, you can flip it over and gently tap to discard the ash and keep the bowl as fresh as possible.
Once the bowl is finished (sometimes called “cashed”), it’s important to clear out your bowl to prepare it for your next smoke sesh.
You can easily do so by flipping the bowl over and tapping it to get the remaining ash out.
If there is any stubborn residue still hanging out, you can often dislodge it by blowing through the mouthpiece (or downstem of the slide for bong bowls), making sure to cover the carb hole.
Your hard work has paid off — the bowl is rolling, and now it’s the time to enjoy that luscious Mary Jane buzz!
There You Have It
You have officially mastered the ins and outs of packing and smoking a bowl.
Now, you can tout your newfound knowledge and teach all of your stoner friends your bowl-packing ways.
Who knows, you might even develop a few tips and tricks of your own along the way!
Already have a pro stoner tip you’d care to share? Feel free to drop a comment below!